The best boost to your negotiation power is the ability to say “no” to a client with absolutely no regrets whatsoever. When you can do that, and the client knows what is meaningfully different about you, you can make deals that would now seem as impossible as growing wings and flying off.

That goes without saying, so let’s get to the “how” part: aim for a little more clients than you need.

In order to avoid working more time to do so, try to use obvious gains in value for each individual client to negotiate a little reduction in scope at the same price, instead of the next price increase. Initial deals often include some inefficiencies, so a 15% decrease in scope is easier to negotiate than a 10% price rise, and you are going to end up with about the same amount of work, more money, and crucially, a better negotiating position for next time.

Fo example:

  1. Step1: 10 clients, 3 hours a week each, 2000 per client, 20k revenue – talk to each of them and show your results, then ask for a 15% reduction in scope for equal pay
  2. Step 2: 10 clients, 2.5 hours a week each, 2000 per client, 20k revenue – using the extra time you got this way, onboard 2 more clients under the same conditions
  3. Step 3: 12 clients, 2,5 hours a week each. 2000 per client, 24k revenue- you now work the same hours, make more and care much less if any one of them wants to leave.

Happy flying!


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