One day, a hair salon owner decided that they don’t get enough customers as a male salon, so he recalibrated the messaging. From now on, they will specialize and become the only hair salon in town exclusively providing robust, clear-cut one-type-fits-all unisex haircuts.

Yessir, all customers are guaranteed to look exactly alike when they come out, like sheared drones. Bring the kids, and we’ll make them into adorable little mini-me figures for you!…

You may be cringing now, as you can almost hear the bankruptcy slamming shut the “visionary” owner’s dream. Because it almost doesn’t matter if you don’t know much about hairdressing or business, you know that nobody pays a hairdresser to look like everybody else.

On paper, broadening your customer base by including more groups makes good sense. In practice, for [[Expert]] service professionals, it usually makes as much sense as in the hairdresser’s nightmare above. Only by actually [[Specializing]], you attract more interested [[Client|Clients]] than by staying or becoming even more generalist. 

Sounds backward? Consider this: 

  • People who don’t feel they have a problem don’t go searching for experts. 
  • **People who do feel they have a problem want a specialist to deal with it.


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