It seems that when people buy, they always compare prices, because what else could they compare, right?
Hmmm almost.
For most things, that’s exactly what happens – with a caveat that people regularly compare prices between what would normally be considered different industries.
They will happily compare the price of a homemade lunch with takeout, a professionally manufactured pool with a DIY one, or even the cost of going to work with a bike instead of a car.But then there are some things where “fit” becomes more important, and the price is just an afterthought as a consequence of the fit. For example, if you need medicine A, you are not going to buy medicine B (which cures something else) just because the price is lower. The same goes for buying a washing machine that is cheaper but too small, translating into French rather than Polish, or getting a property lawyer when you need an immigration lawyer.
As you see, in those kinds of cases it comes down to talking about context, rather than costs. If you can make me see that this service is the one that I need, price differences become less important.
The reason you feel strange when selling might just be that you are meant to be fit-seeking instead. There’s no need to sell them on the idea that they want to buy from you. If you are exactly what they need, great. If you are not, taking their money will end up badly anyway.