BBA Boredom Born Asset

You know that section of your work that you expressed so many times you can practically do them in your sleep? Those facts, rules, or general notes that you had to repeat over and over until you started wishing you could just rewind time until you are done with that part and something new can Read more…

Combo Combo

There are just two decision paths when buying in good old McDonald’s: the great deal, and the even better deal… for McDonald’s. Buried beneath all of the plastic glamour and bold letters is the unspoken, secret pricing ingredient: t__he price of the lone McDonald’s sandwich already covers costs for both the Read more…

Sliced and Diced

I keep telling people, pricing can be creative and fun, and they keep falling asleep on me before the sentence is done. But I’ll try again: Years ago, a wonderful, geeky sci-fi and fantasy convention priced their beer, brandy, and sandwiches by having people throwing six-sided dice. They could re-roll any single die Read more…

BBA Boredom Born Asset

You know that section of your work that you expressed so many times you can practically do them in your sleep? Those facts, rules, or general notes that you had to repeat over and over until you started wishing you could just rewind time until you are done with that part and something new can Read more…